Here is a list of items we can always use at Cabrini Clinic:
Unexpired and unopened medication in original packaging
We use these items in the on-site pharmacy at Cabrini Clinic
Our volunteer pharmacists review each item before placing it into our inventory
Meijer, Walmart, or Kroger gift cards to support fulfillment of prescriptions that we cannot provide on-site
Gallon ziplock bags
Bus passes
Sponsor/partner for discount radiology services (example: X-rays and ultrasounds)
New socks, scarves, hats, and gloves for the homeless
Monetary donations are greatly appreciated
Click here to give (ADD HYPERLINK) to Cabrini Clinc
YOU! We are always looking to add to our team of motivated volunteers to support our mission
If you are a Physician, Physician Assistant, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacist, or Medical Assistant interested in dontating your time, please visit our Volunteer (ADD HYPERLINK) page or contact the clinic directly at (313) 961-7863 to learn more about volunteer opportunities at Cabrini Clinic